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Using Both Sides of the Paper with Loree Ovens - February 8th, 2020

Working on both sides of the paper may sound impossible to most artists, but not Loree Ovens, our instructor on this technique. Her many creative examples showed the way.

This bright example demonstrated the vivid nature of using the technique.

Loree Ovens discussed a number of the works for the artists attending the workshop. Some works were filled with colour, others used only black ink.

Interestingly, you can feel the art created in this manner; it has a tactile quality.

Larger works can explore variations in patterns with a range of colours.

A striking visual is one of the outcomes of working with both sides of the paper. These visuals are sometimes unintended but welcome surprises.

With all these examples to stimulate the artists, Loree Ovens turned to the technique itself.

Begin with washi (rice paper) and an acrylic matte medium mixed with fifty percent water. You can buy matte medium at most art supply stores.

Loree Ovens uses kozo washi paper though you can try this technique with other rice paper, as some of the artists did at this workshop.

Apply the matte medium to one side of the paper. Then let the paper dry.

The artists applied the matte medium to one side of their paper. Lots of newspapers should be on hand.

Look for objects like these metal pieces that you can use to create patterns for your artwork.

Put the metal pieces under the paper and on the side without the matte medium. Then use coloured pencils to rub the pattern on to the side with the matte medium. Prismacolor coloured pencils are recommended.

Afterwards, paint the untreated side of the paper.

What appears is an expressive work of art that often surprises the artist in a positive way.

Loree Ovens also had some items to create patterns directly on the matte medium side.

Using the coloured pencils brought out other effects on the paper. You can also draw on this paper in a similar way to sketching a scene.

Apply paint to the other side of the paper.

The result is another eye catching work of art.

The artists turned to their own creations.

Occasionally, one had to stop and think about the direction of the pattern.

Then came the painting of the back side in bright colours.

The results were a pleasant surprise to the artists.

Encouraged by their successes, the artists tried more creations.

Many expressive works appeared with this technique.

You can learn more about Loree Ovens in the links section.